Is Taylor Swift Next to Carry Nick Cannon's Baby?

Is Taylor Swift Next to Carry Nick Cannon Baby?

While on his press run to announce his latest venture, The Daily Cannon, entertainer Nick Cannon, jokingly agrees with legendary talk show host, Howard Stern about his selection of his next “baby mama.”

It’s no secret that Cannon is the father of 12 children to multiple women over the past several years. The question Cannon gets often is will there be another child for him in the future? As he has been doing recently, he doesn’t give a direct response when that inquiry is placed to him. So, Stern takes a different approach when he does broach the subject to Cannon on a recent show.

After bluntly asking Cannon if he was done after 12 children, the Wild N’ Out creator states, “I”m happy currently with my dozen that I have now.” But, as Stern presses him and continues to ask if someone would put up with the children and the kids’ mothers he already has, who would it be?

He then takes a different approach and then asks Cannon, “If Taylor Swift wants to have a baby with you… And Cannon immediately responds, laughing, “Absolutely, I’m in! Let’s go! That’s the one! I’m all in.”

As Robin Quivers chimes in and asks Cannon, why her?

“First of all, she’s an amazing songwriter. What I do love about Taylor Swift is the fact that she has been so vulnerable and open with all of her music since she was a young girl.”

He then continues to compare her pubic life with his and the fact that the two of them have “dated a lot of people in the public eye.”

“She’s kind of like me. Me and Taylor’s numbers are very similar when we talk about being in these streets, so I think she would relate to me very well based off of like, ‘Yo, you dated a lot of people in the public eye, so have I.’ We’d probably really understand each other.”

Check out the video clip below:

Cannon recently talked to THE INDUSTRY COSIGN about his upcoming morning show on AMP, The Daily Cannon. Check out the interview here.

Is Taylor Swift Next to Carry Nick Cannon Baby?

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