The Industry Cosign Podcast: Episode 6 Featuring Nacole Ali
Fresh off the Wendy Williams Show, we had the pleasure of chopping it up with Nacole Ali, the author of Amazon.com’s International best selling book Warrior Built To Last.
Once again we speak on Kendu Isaacs & Mary J Blige (MD Speaks LOVES him some Mary J Blige)
Nicole schools us on why everyone should be getting regular medical checkups & how she discovered her breast cancer.
Kurt Sparks discusses getting prostate exams by his wife & maybe applying for medicaid now that he’s unemployed.
Nacole also discussed how having children may help lower your chances of getting cancer & how eating right played a significant part on how well her chemotherapy was received.
BIG CED & MD Speaks ask the question: Do Lightskin Blacks Identify With Being Black?
Kurt Sparks admitted to not voting and why.
Booking Nacole Ali
Email: bookingnacoleali@gmail.com for international inquiries
For interviews and press inquiries, contact Belyne Vil 347-865-7319 or bvil@beintegratedpr.com
It Must Be Ced every tuesday from 4pm-5pm on skyyhookradio.com