Widow Publishes Slain Husband’s Book Two Years Later
Widow Publishes Slain Husband’s Book Two Years Later: Coping With Loss Through His Words
Deceased author still acknowledged by literary aficionados legacy continues
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New York, N.Y. – April 13, 2017 — On Thursday, April 27, 2017 the widow and family of Sharief “AC” Clayton will celebrate his legacy with the launch of his second book “Honor Amongst Thieves II: Center of Gravity”. The event will take place at a private location in New York City from 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. Books will be available for sale at the event where close family and friends will honor Clayton’s memory.
Only three weeks after finally completing the sequel to his first novel, he was taken away from his family and friends at the hands of gun violence. His wife, Ajana Clayton has vowed to continue to celebrate his life and carry on his legacy as she publishes his final novel and makes it available to his readers who have waited so long.
Clayton spent his daytime hours working to help reduce recidivism rates among youth who were at-risk of being incarcerated. A.C. dedicated his time mentoring, counseling and guiding young people who appreciated the sincerity of his efforts. Many youth, to-date, attribute his consistency and caring nature to changing their lives for the better.
“What is most important,” Mrs. Clayton states, “is that I know he poured his heart and soul into this book. There are a number of powerful messages relevant to the struggles people are facing today. From political opposition and reforming the corrupt system from within to overcoming poverty by making choices that do not further the crime degenerative mindset that leads to imprisonment or even worse, death. This is my last gift to him.”
Honor Amongst Thieves II: Center of Gravity by A. C. Clayton
After 10 years, the wait is finally over. A.C. Clayton is back with the second book of the Honor Amongst Thieves series. “Center of Gravity” proves to be well worth the wait.
Kay-Kay has always had one objective: optimal profit. Now that he has earned unmatched respect in the drug game, Brooklyn’s Godfather has every head in the hood paying their dues. His muscle, a hotheaded homie named Knee, ensures that Kay’s street cred and bank continue to grow. But cash doesn’t come without a price and it can’t buy everything. When Kay’s older brother JB gets home fresh off a bid and chooses a path opposite the hustle, turmoil unfolds that brings Kay’s battles right to his doorstep.
With that turmoil comes Peaches, a heavy hitter from New Jersey who clawed her way to the top. She is finally the general of her own army of dedicated soldiers, and is monopolizing a supply of product to a thirsty clientele. Unlike most of Kay’s adversaries, Peaches isn’t out to dethrone him. Her issue with Kay is much more personal.
Despite power plays, product droughts and turf wars, the game seems to remain the same. That is…until a string of murders changes it drastically. And none of the usual suspects have a clue who the new player is.
“Honor Amongst Thieves Book II: Center of Gravity” is sold through the Amenta Publication Website (www.amentapub.com), Amazon and Barnes and Noble in both paperback and e-book format.
About the Author: A.C. Clayton was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. Clayton travelled the country speaking extensively on the perils of mass incarceration, as well as, working with troubled teens that precariously flirt with recidivism. On April 27, 2015 he was murdered while attending a childhood friend’s funeral. He left behind a wife, four children and a host of family and friends who continue to speak of his legacy.
About Amenta Publications, Inc: Founded in 2007, Amenta Publications, Inc. is a Brooklyn-based book publishing company established to change the world through literary pieces of work. Since the first novel was released in 2007, Amenta has strived to provide a medium for authors who desire to tell a responsible story. For more information, please visit http://www.amentapub.com