The Industry Cosign Spotlight: Cheryl Gentry
Originally published on The Industry Cosign May 4, 2015
Title: Founder/CEO
Company: Glow Media
Location: New York City
“Life is a series of events. Let me do the planning.” Cheryl Gentry
You want to plan an event? No problem.
You want to plan an event — overseas? A bit more difficult.
You want to plan an event, overseas, with a sit-down dinner for 250 people and talent flying in from all over the world, who need hotel rooms and transportation? For that, you must hire Cheryl Gentry.
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As President of Glow Media, an event management company, Cheryl has criss-crossed the globe supervising, coordinating, and executing hundreds of pieces of the puzzle that magically come together when any one of her events launches. From picking the Nordic menu in Copenhagen, to the walk-through in Berlin to verify the hotel was just as good as the gorgeous photos, to playing a round of golf in the Bahamas with an executive to finalize the smallest details, this entrepreneur brings the full range of her energy, expertise and enthusiasm to each project she takes on.
How She Got Glowing
Growing up in suburban Washington, D.C., friends and family remember that, “Cheryl was just always the hardest worker.” In high school, she and her sister sized up the money-making opportunities in the neighborhood, then promptly began selling printed song lyrics for $5.00 a sheet. From there it was off to prestigious Howard University, where she thought about becoming a physician. Scoring a job in Human Resources at Marriott Hotels Corporation where part of her duties were planning their seminars, parties and corporate events, suddenly she knew she found her niche.
Glow On To The Next Step
After founding Glow Media in 1998, her own public relations and event marketing agency, Gentry conceptualized campaigns and touted clients such as Dupont Lycra®, the New Jersey Nets, Vibe Magazine and fashion brand Girbaud. She enhanced her focus in the event management business in 2001, and was promptly nominated for and won numerous awards from ISES, the International Special Events Society. Her flawless execution and innovative strategies garnered an ISES Esprit Award in 2007 where she won Best Corporate Event for Allianz. In 2008, 2009 and 2010 Gentry and Glow garnered even more nominations including Best Event Planner, Best Association Event and Best Non-Profit Event.
It’s no wonder she once served as the Ringmaster for Ringling Brothers, Barnum and Bailey Circus — yes, really.
Basking in the Glow
She has received a variety of awards including the Thurgood Marshall Scholarship Fund Founders Award for Excellence in Service and the National Association of African Americans in Human Resources Special Association Award. She is also a certified New York State and New York City Minority Women Business Enterprise. She is the co-creator of the Diversity and Inclusion Awards, (DANDI) which heralds individuals and organizations that demonstrate outstanding commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive world. In 2009, she was inducted into the YWCA/New York City Top Women Executives.
In 2010, she founded GLOW, (Golf and Leadership Opportunities for Women), a division of the company and is a certified member of the PGA Golf Industry Supplier Diversity Initiative, helping to promote golf and encourage participation in the sport from minority women.
There She Glows
An avid international traveler for business as well as pleasure, she journeyed to Cuba on a humanitarian mission, and has visited Dubai, Barcelona, Portugal, South Africa, Bahamas, Copenhagen, Brazil, Japan, Barbados, London, Berlin and Zurich in the last few years.
Between tennis, travel and golf, Gentry carves out time for philanthropic pursuits. She is a board member of Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship, and Kigali Reading Center.
Gentry is a highly sought after speaker and delivered the keynote speech at the Network For Teaching Entrepreneurship Competition Finals.
Glow Ahead
In the immediate future Gentry has plans to develop and event app and launch Glow Getters, an event staffing division of her company.
Glow Media has offices in New York, Atlanta and Los Angeles and offers a full complement of event management and experiential marketing services.
Visit the Glow Media website: www.glowmediany.com
Follow Cheryl on:
Twitter: baskingntheglow
and Facebook: GlowMediaNY