NBA Legend Mitch Richmond Enters Equity Partnership with UGAA
NBA Legend Mitch Richmond Enters Equity Partnership with UGAA
Universal Gamers Amateur Association (UGAA), an innovative leader in the education technology sector focused on career online education combined with eSports League gaming, announces that it has formed an equity partnership with NBA Hall of Famer Mitch Richmond’s ShaneED, an organization designed to give back to underserved minority communities through life-changing educational experiences.
ShaneED envisions a society in which relevant digital education is available to every student, regardless of financial status or social class. The organization provides access to educational opportunities for underserved communities and offers a sense of certainty and reliability in underserved communities or those who face financial misfortune. ShaneED’s goal is to uplift the African American and Hispanic communities by making education paths available to meaningful careers attainable for minority students.
Mitch Richmond, ShaneED’s Founder, and member of the NBA Hall of Fame stated:
“I’m proud to partner with UGAA, as there is a digital divide in our country, and it is organizations and programming like UGAA that will help keep kids in school by providing programming they actually want to learn that will lead to a promising career.”
Patrick Kenny, UGAA’s Chief Executive Officer said:
“Our equity partnership with ShaneED and Mitch Richmond’s team will allow us to have a laser like focus bringing our online educational, career, and engaging eSport League program to students and school systems in minority and underserved communities. Our commitment at UGAA is to attack Digital Disparity made so much worse by the Covid-19 pandemic, even more so in Black and Hispanic communities.
About UGAA
The UGAA program provides STEM, educational, leadership, and life skills courses with an eSport gaming component to school districts nationwide. Its goal is to serve the K-12 community. The Company taps into the demand for eSports and exciting and interesting educational STEM courses through its existing global Learning Management System to bring together regional school districts and national amateur youth leagues as an organized after-school educational and eSport gaming program.
About ShaneED
ShaneED focuses on making the maximum positive effort for our community. The Company’s members and volunteers provide the momentum that helps us affect change. Using data driven models, ShaneED provides solutions that make a long-lasting difference.
“UGAA, Our Founders, Board Members, Management Team and investors are committed to ending Digital Disparity. Our online educational curriculum, career oriented classes, online platform, and gaming league are all focused on underserved educational communities and working to close the gap in the Digital Divide in our lifetimes.”
NBA Legend Mitch Richmond Enters Equity Partnership with UGAA