Marlon Wayans Says United Airlines Pulled him Off Flight Citing Racism for Not Allowing Bags on Plane
Marlon Wayans Says United Airlines Pulled him Off Flight Citing Racism for Not Allowing Bags on Plane
Comedian Marlon Wayans has publicly accused United Airlines of racism after an incident over the weekend.
According to a recent Instagram post, Wayans stated that racism from a United Airlines ticket agent caused him to miss a flight and garner him a citation from police officers. Fox News reported that Wayans took to his Instagram to express his disappointment and frustration with the airlines when he missed shows he was scheduled to perform at in Kansas City, Missouri. He was heading to his destination from a Denver, Colorado airport on Friday night.
In his first video post regarding the incident, he explained to his followers that an agent directed him to consolidate three bags he had on him. He said he “complied and consolidated” so he had the two bags that would allow him on the plane. Wayans then stated that the agent informed him that he had to check the “that” bag. Instead, he marched onto the aircraft to take his seat in first class.
United Airlines gave Fox News a statement referring to the situation that occurred, “In Denver on Friday, a customer who had been told he would have to gate-check his bag instead pushed past a United employee at the jetbridge and attempted to board the aircraft. The customer won’t be flying on United to his destination.”
The Denver Police Department issued Wayans a citation after he wasn’t allowed on the airplane.
After receiving the summons, Wayans went back to his Instagram account to acknowledge he did get a citation but the ticket agent lied to the police officers and told them that Wayans assaulted him. The act was caught on video so he was exonerated in that aspect.
“Dude tried to lie and say i assaulted him. The video clearly shows i never touched him. He was desperate to try to have some authority. I’ve flown over 15,000,000 miles in my lifetime and I rarely have had problems. Anyone knows who knows me knows I’m a mild mannered dude. This agent was clearly picking on me. He asked me to consolidate my bags and i complied. Then said now i have to check the bag because now since i consolidated it into one bag it was too big. At that point i said “see now you’re just f**kin’ with me”. So i grabbed my ticket off the counter got on the plane.”
Wayans also posted a picture that he states shows three bags that a white man brought into the plane, substantiating the racism he has accused the airline of displaying. He then posts a video saying that a corporate employee from the airline contacted him defending the agent. He initially stated that the agent was correct, there is a two-bag limit. Then when Wayans said he explained that he consolidated it into two bags, he was still told to check it in. The person on the phone then says that the agent had been texted that there was o more room on the plane. He then says to the camera that there were people before and after him getting on the plane with two bags as well.
The comedian ended up booking a flight with American Airlines, although he did miss his scheduled shows, he is requesting that United Airlines reimburse him for the shows he will not be getting paid for.
Marlon Wayans Says United Airlines Pulled him Off Flight Citing Racism for Not Allowing Bags on Plane
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