The Industry Cosign Podcast- Episode 2
So Kurt Sparks FINALLY got the mics working properly!
We speak on the unfairness of how Nate Parker’s personal life is overshadowing the story of Nat Turner in the film Birth Of a Nation.
The alleged accusations of rape surrounding presidential candidate Donald Trump
Related Link:
The Premier Episode of The Industry Cosign Podcast
Floyd Mayweather’s comments on how to deal with police officers.
Depression in the black community with Adrian Broner & Kid Cudi. People’s opinion on the Fox show Empire
Included in our conversation is Lil Wayne, Kim K, Colin Kapernick, Lebron James, World Star, True Blood, Beanie Siegel, Gabriel Union & B.E.T.
Big Ced:
Instagram- bigced328
Twitter- @bigced @industryCosign
Md Speaks:
Instagram- mrmarcusdevin
Twitter- @MDspeakstv
Kurt Sparks:
Instagram- kurtsparks personal_page
Twitter- @imkurtsparks