I'm Nice Like That Hip-Hop Summer Camp

I’m Nice Like That Hip-Hop Summer Camp


Brooklyn Bodega, producers of The Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival, NYC’s largest and longest running Hip-Hop cultural event, is pleased to announce the details of “I’m Nice Like That” Hip-Hop Summer Camp. The three week immersive day camp will teach students the history of Hip-Hop culture as well as the four key elements of Hip-Hop: MCing (The Word) , DJing (The Sound and Technology), B-boy/B-girl aka Breakdancing (The Dance) & Graffiti (The Visual Art).


I’m Nice Like That summer camp will provide a unique and positive learning experience for our youth and their ever growing interest in Hip-Hop.  As Hip-Hop culture continues to grow and influence society, we hope to inspire our youths’ creative power in Hip-Hop to continue its positive influence on our world.


The camp will be a three (3) week long summer program, July 6th to the 28th,  where students, ages 6-14,  will be given the opportunity to learn the history and the current state of Hip-Hop while being encouraged to develop their own individual interest in the culture through intensive track programs.  By its final week, students will have the opportunity to showcase all that they have learned throughout their experience at I’m Nice Like That.




I’m Nice Like That instructors are experienced Hip-Hop artists and educators. They are world champion DJs and Turntablists, award winning and globe touring MCs, legendary B-boys and B-girls who were there at the founding of the culture, and graffiti artists who pioneered the aerosol arts in the train yards of New York. Along with the Camp Director, the staff will bring to Nice Like That their extensive experience as both academics and practitioners. Parents will be able to rest assured that in addition to having a safe place to leave their children, our campers will be developing their individual genius and following their passion.




discounts for parents/caretakers

Thanks to our partnership with The Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival, students will be able to attend Festival events and potentially perform/exhibit at the Finale Concert on July 15th.

Parents will also be offered a discount on all Festival events.



Camp Founder and Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival Executive Director, Wes Jackson, “As a parent and lifelong lover of Hip-Hop I want to pass on the knowledge and appreciation of the culture to my own kids.  Not just what you hear on the radio and see on TV, but the rich tradition I was raised on. The art, the dance, the power of the word and the beats. What we call Graffiti, the B-Boy/B-Girl, The MC and The DJ. Now I get to do that, not only for my own two kids, but also for next Rakim, MC Lyte, DONDI, Roc Raida, Popmaster Fabel or Sylvia Robinson.  Hip-Hop is about empowerment and at our core that is our mission. To instill confidence in our young men and women, and give back to the culture that has given me so much.”



The camp will be located at TFOA/Embrace Charter School, 616 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221. TFOA/Embrace is New York City’s first charter school founded by African Americans. Nice Like That and Brooklyn Bodega are proud to be partnering with them.



What: Nice Like That Hip-Hop Summer Camp

Ages: 6-14

When: July 6-28, 2017

Where: TFOA/Embrace 616 Quincy Street, Brooklyn, NY 11221

 Information & Registration here

For more information on The Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival click here.










The Bodega Agency – bodegaagency.com – @bodegaagency 

Brooklyn Bodega – brooklynbodega.com – @brooklynboega

 Brooklyn Hip-Hop Festival – bkhiphopfestival.com – @bkhiphopfest

The Zero Campaign – @thezerocampaign 

I’m Nice Like That – nicelikethat.com – @NLTCamp – @nicelikethatcamp (IG) 


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