5 Questions With… Sabrina Lamb


Originally published on The Industry Cosign April 6, 2015

Sabrina Lamb, founding CEO of WorldofMoney.org, has built a notable career uplifting others. Lamb’s career achievements include best-selling author, award nominated comedian, actress, featured contributor at top publications and tireless community advocate.

Even if you don’t know her name, you’ve probably seen or heard her. Lamb is a frequent national talk show commentator who has also hosted or co-hosted several popular radio programs. She is not only still going strong but she makes it look easy.

We asked Lamb about her passion, work and getting it done.

It takes a lot of commitment to achieve career success yet you’re an accomplished author/journalist, entertainer and community advocate. What is your passion?

My passion is to use whatever platform I have to inspire and empower. I believe that my access to a microphone or to an audience should enlighten and instill good.

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Your non-profit organization, WorldofMoney.org, provides financial education to NYC tri-state area youth. What has been the organization’s biggest challenge and/or reward?

Celebrating our 10th anniversary, the WorldofMoney.org has impacted over 3,000 youth, ages 7 – 18, in the Tri-State New York City area. The greatest achievement has been witnessing how children, once taught, change their perspective on the influence of money in their lives. Once learning the tools of money management, our young moguls are determined to become financial team leaders in their families as well as adopt a prosperous mindset so they can live their lives not only as consumers but also producers, investors and philanthropists. The excitement of our students impacts their parents, thus transforming a generation. Conversely, helming a non-profit charitable organization requires always reaching out for qualified board members, resources and funding so that the organization can fulfill its mission to children.

In addition to your community and nonprofit work, you’ve produced films and written books. You must know a lot about time management.  How do you manage your time?

I’m determined to live with no regrets. Thus, I manage my time by trying to do whatever I can…right now.  I also require that others value my time as I do theirs. The technological world we live in enables us to communicate more efficiently. However, we must never substitute our access to keyboards and social media with human engagement.

What are you working on right now?

I have two areas of focus: 1) meeting with theater producers to continue my solo play “The Saga of Marissa Alexander” and 2) Fundraising/planning for WorldofMoney.org 10th Gala, preparing for our trips to South Africa in August and touring Cuba in 2016, and of course, enrolling students for our July Institute!

Finally, I just have to ask: You’ve finished three NYC marathons. Besides training, what does it take to cross the finish line three times?

Much like any endeavor, completing the NYC marathon requires determining to do so, no matter what.  I decided to run 26.2 miles in order to expand what I believed I could accomplish. Marinating in my own comfort zone limits the goals that I set for my own life. The marathon has been a metaphor to push through all obstacles and aches and pains towards victory

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